Featured RelicsChance of drawing: 14.04% total | ||||||
Character | Relic | Soul Break / Materia | Effects | Chance | ||
Cloud | +wind dmg | DA1 | Awoken Finishing Touch | phys 6.3/7 wind+non w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Wind Mode I (Cloud): Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Wind abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Wind abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Wind abilities] | 0.99999% | |
After Dual Shift: | instant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x wind dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast wind, wind instacast, (wind ⤇ [Dual SOLDIER Mode: Critical chance =100%, 20% additional critical damage, casts Dual Slash Impact after using Wind abilities, lasts for 3 turns]) | |||||
Zidane | +wind dmg | DA | Awoken Storm Impulse | [Awoken Storm Impulse: Type: Physical, Element: (Wind,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Seven single attacks (0.90 each) capped at 19999, grant [Attach Wind with Stacking], [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Thief Mode I (Zidane)] and [Thief Resonance +5% Boost] to the user] | 0.99999% | |
After Dual Shift: | instant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Thief dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast Thief, (Thief ⤇ +20% wind vuln. 5s), (Thief ⤇ +20% wind dmg 5s), 25s: Trance: +15% A/D/M/R/MND/ACC/EVA/SPD, Thief instacast | |||||
Tidus | +water dmg | DA | Awoken Rising Dream | phys 6.3/7 water+non rngd w/ 19k cap, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x water dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Sharpshooter dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast Sharpshooter, Sharpshooter fastcast | 0.99999% | |
After Dual Shift: | instant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Sharpshooter Mode II (Tidus): Cast speed x9999999, Water attacks deal 50% more damage, critical hits deal 50% more damage (additive with the base critical coefficient), lasts for 1 turn] | |||||
Cloud | +wind dmg | 𝐋𝐆𝐒 | Guardian Choco-Mog | instant [Guardian Choco-Mog: Cast time: 0.01s, Summons Choco-Moogle for 5 seconds, grants [Protect], [Shell], [Haste], [Instant ATB 1], [DEF and RES +200% (25s)], [Last Stand], [Attach Wind 3 with Stacking] and [Damage Cap +20000] to Choco-Moogle] | 0.99999% | |
[Combat] | instant p35.1/6 wi+n, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn | |||||
[Combat] | instant AoE p19.0 wi+n w/ 99k cap, self +30% wind dmg 15s | |||||
Finisher | instant p76.0/10, then 24.4 w/ 99k cap, wi+d+n, Cloud 1.3x wind dmg 2 turns, Cloud fastcast 2 | |||||
Squall | +fire dmg | AD2 | Apex Draw & Junction | phys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt | 0.99999% | |
Shantotto | +lgt dmg | AD | Salvation Scythe | magic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, lgt+non @ 0/5/8 lgt | 0.99999% | |
Vaan | +wind dmg | AD | Apex Pyroclasm | phys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+non @ 0/5/8 wind | 0.99999% | |
Squall | +ice dmg | AA3 | Blasting Draw | phys 9.0/15 ice+fire+non, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 1.3x Spellblade dmg 15s, 1 turn: (ice/fire ⤇ ice/fire infuse w/ stacking), 15s: Awoken Lion: ice/fire inf. hones, 2-3x ice/fire cast @ rank 1-5, (2 ice/fire ⤇ p3.94 i+f+n w/ 99k cap Spellblade, self +10% ice/fire dmg 15s) | 1.40799% | |
Zidane | +wind dmg | AA2 | True Stellar Circle 5 | phys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Thief ⤇ p2.56/8 - 3.84/12 - 5.12/16 wi+n Thief @ 1/2/3 +3n uses), 25s: Trance: +15% A/D/M/R/MND/ACC/EVA/SPD, Thief instacast, 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | 1.40799% | |
Tidus | +water dmg, % Blind | AA2 | Splash Buster | phys 9.0/15 water+non rngd, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: [Neophyte Warrior Mode: Casts Hard Tackle after using Water abilities, grants [Water Ability +30% Boost 1] to the user after every second Water ability], 15s: Awoken Sharpshooter: Sharpshooter inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | 1.40799% | |
Shantotto | +lgt dmg | AA1 | Federation Demon | magic 22.5/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 25s: Trance: +30% MAG, -30% DEF/RES, hi fastcast, 15s: Awoken Witch: Witch inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | 1.40799% | |
Vaan | +wind dmg | AA1 | Dreadnought | phys 9.0/15 wind+non, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Thief ⤇ +10% wind vuln. 15s, self +10% wind dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | 1.40799% |