Featured RelicsChance of drawing: 14.04% total | ||||||
Character | Relic | Soul Break / Materia | Effects | Chance | ||
Cecil (Paladin) | +holy dmg | DA | Awoken Radiant Blast | p6.3/7 - 21.7/7 or wundefined holy+non w/ 19k cap, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self ([Critical Chance +50% (25s): Critical chance +50% (additive with other critical chance sources)] 25s) / (+30% DEF/MND 25s), dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Holy Mode I (Cecil (Paladin)): Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Holy abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Holy abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Holy abilities] | 0.99999% | |
After Dual Shift: | instant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Holy Mode II (Cecil (Paladin)): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Holy abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Holy attacks, casts Dual Light Barrier after using Holy attacks, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Holy Mode I (Cecil (Paladin))] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns] | |||||
Bartz | +wind dmg | DA1 | Awoken Rousing Winds | phys 6.3/7 wind+non w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Spellblade dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Wind): Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Spellblade abilities, casts Dual Spellblade Whirlwind after casting an equipped Spellblade ability] | 0.99999% | |
After Dual Shift: | instant wind infuse 2 w/ stacking 25s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Wind Spellblade Mode: Grants [Spellblade +10% Boost 1]/[Spellblade +30% Boost 1]/[Spellblade +50% Boost 1] to the user after using Spellblade abilities if the user has Attach Wind 0-1/2/3, casts Dual Gale Slash after using Spellblade abilities, removed if the user hasn't Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Wind)], [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Wind): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Spellblade abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Wind)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns] | |||||
Terra | +fire dmg | ๐๐๐ | Guardian Maduin | instant summon Maduin 5s w/ Haste, Protect, Shell, instant ATB 1, +200% DEF/RES 25s, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s | 0.99999% | |
[B.Mag] | instant m84.0/6 - 112.0/8 f+n w/ 1-2 uses, self 1.5x fire dmg 1 turn | |||||
[B.Mag] | instant AoE m45.0 f+n w/ 99k cap, self +30% fire dmg 15s | |||||
Finisher | instant AoE m190.0/10, then AoE 61.0 w/ 99k cap, f+wi+n | |||||
Warrior of Light | +holy dmg | AD | Holy Chain | phys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt | 0.99999% | |
Onion Knight | +wind dmg | AD2 | Tornado (III) | magic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, wind+non | 0.99999% | |
Firion | +fire dmg | SA3 | Weapon Master | phys 9.0/15 holy+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (holy/fire โค holy/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: [Twin Master Mode: Grants [Holy/Fire Ability +15% Boost 3] and [75% Critical 3]/[Holy/Fire Ability +30% Boost 3] and [100% Critical 3]/[Holy/Fire Ability +50% Boost 3], [Instant Cast 3] and [100% Critical 3] to the user if the user has greater than or equal to 0%/50%/80% HP after using Saintfire Blade, removes Twin Master Mode after using Saintfire Blade] | 0.99999% | |
[Samurai], w/ holy/fire | [Saintfire Sweep: Type: Physical, School: Samurai, Element: (Holy,Fire,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, 6/8 single attacks (0.90 each) if the user has Armaments level 0-1/2, heals the user for 20% of the damage dealt if the user has Armaments level 1, causes Armaments -1 to the user] | |||||
[Samurai], w/ holy/fire | instant self fastcast 2, status lvl +2 | |||||
Cecil (Dark Knight) | +dark dmg | SA1 | Shadow Blazer | phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +2, (cmd 2 โค p4.0 d+n w/ 99k cap Darkness, up to p7.0 @ 1% HP, self heal 20% of dmg @ 1-2 status lvl, status lvl -1) | 0.99999% | |
[Darkness], w/ Darkness | p5.4/6 d+n, self 1.3x Darkness dmg 1 turn | |||||
[Darkness], w/ Darkness | p2.7/3 d+n, self HP to 1, fastcast 1 | |||||
Warrior of Light | +holy dmg | AA1 | Oversoul | phys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, party +30% holy dmg 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | 1.40799% | |
Firion | ![]() +ice dmg | AA2 | Crown of Arms | phys 9.0/15 holy+ice+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/ice/fire โค holy/ice/fire infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 holy/ice/fire โค crit =100% 1 turn, 1.3x PHY dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Mastery: holy/ice/fire inf. hones, 2-3x holy/ice/fire cast @ rank 1-5, (holy/ice/fire โค [Weapon Waltz: Type: Physical, School: Samurai, Element: (Holy,Ice,Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, 4/6/8 single attacks (0.70 each) if the user's HP is greater than or equal to 0/34/67%, 100% hit rate]) | 1.40799% | |
Onion Knight | +water dmg | AA4 | Dark Vision | magic 22.5/15 wind+water+fire+earth+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/water/fire/earth โค wind/water/fire/earth infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [High Speed Onion: Grants [Attach Wind]/[Attach Water]/[Attach Fire]/[Attach Earth] to the user after using three abilities that deal Wind/Water/Fire/Earth damage (based on the ability that triggered the chase), grants [Black Magic +30% Boost 3] to the user after using three Wind, Water, Fire or Earth abilities, removed after casting three Wind, Water, Fire or Earth abilities], 15s: Awoken Black Magic: B.Mag inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | 1.40799% | |
Cecil (Dark Knight) | +dark dmg | AA | Dark Crescent | phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dmg cap +10k 15s, dark infuse 25s, 15s: (2 Darkness โค p4.16/8 - 4.32/8 - 4.48/8 d+n Darkness @ +0 - 30 - 75% crit @ 2-4-6 Darkness used, self lose 25% max HP), 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | 1.40799% | |
Terra | +fire dmg | AA3 | Cross Meltdown | magic 22.5/15 fire+wind+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x fire/wind dmg 15s, 1 turn: (fire/wind โค fire/wind infuse w/ stacking), 15s: Awoken Blazewind Elite: [Awoken Blazewind Elite: Fire and Wind abilities don't consume uses and deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, casts Wind Nova after using Fire and Wind abilities] | 1.40799% |